One popular reason for an office employee-turned-freelancer is because he wants flexibility in terms of employment. But flexibility does not mean no discipline. In any situation, whether as an office employee or a freelancer, discipline is one of the keys to success.
When I was working in an office, a boss or a leader, however, had 'forced' me to stay disciplined in the office routine. What about when I have decided to work as a freelance? Disciplining myself is an absolute thing. So, if you think that you can succeed as a freelancer without self-discipline, think again. well now the question is: what your level of self-discipline is?
Here are 5 marks of a Self-Disciplined Freelancer,
Signs You Have Discipline About Your Self
You've managed to avoid excessive shopping habits

Yes, a freelance also means an uncertain income. It was very different from office work that in fact you receive your salary in a timely manner. If you already have 2 bank accounts (one for day-to-day needs and the other for saving) this means that you are disciplined enough. Set a monthly budget for your everyday needs. When you receive payment from the client, get a separate fund for savings and spending. That way you can 'unload' accounts to be transferred to the account of expenditure when you have lack of orders or clients.
Your mood doesn't influence your work

You're not in the mood? You make an excuse to delay your work? Your clients going to hit the ceiling! Remember, your performance is closely correlated with your reputation. Being a freelancer means you have to work in a professional and responsible way. It is important not to miss the deadline that has been set.
You're not in the mood even to the idea yet? Do not wait for a better mood but be proactive to get rid of a bad mood. Maybe you'll want a refresher moment, perhaps by playing your favorite music, or maybe a nice lunch with friends? Do what's best for you until you return good mood, and your work will eventually be resolved.
You love to learn new things

You may some times be required to follow some specific training while working in an office. What is the purpose of all this training? Surely to increase your skills and mastery in a particular field.
When you become a freelancer means no HR department which will set your training schedules. You will determine for certain training courses or to add your own expertise. Get familiar yourself in self-development!
Pouting your clients-No More

Well, okay, maybe that annoying clients are wandering out there, but that does not mean a good reason to vilify them publicly (on forums, twitter, or facebook), instead of making you considered being defame a person's reputation. If there is a fellow freelance client asked about a certain reputation which in fact turned out to have worked with you, you should consider talking about using private line.
You put a lot of effort into maintaining healthy

Staying up late, eating late, eating potluck without considering nutrition, lack of rest, rarely exercise. With this kind of lifestyle, sooner or later, you will get sick.
Health is a major concern for freelancers, the completion / failure of a job only depend on yourself. Therefore adjust your lifestyle, maintaining healthy.
Now it's your turn, freelancers. how do you discipline your self?