Graphic design blog shows us how much art has been growing these days. Art has no limit nowadays. We can now put arts everywhere in our life, that’s why art knowledge being very large.

Graphic design is one of the art’s branches where you can communicate visually to tell the others an information or message. The simplest example of graphic design can be found in symbol or logo of a company. Those logos and symbols are actually just a picture, but it tells you something. Symbols and logos let you know something from it; an information, an identity or something else. By using logo, a company or a group could tell people around them about their existence, or even a message through it. Graphic design resources shows us how art can adapt with many things around, include communication and technology.
If you are an artist that specialized yourself in graphic design, having a graphic design blog might be something good for you. Graphic design resources is actually just ordinary blog, like the others. What makes its difference is that this kind of blog consist graphic design work of art that posted by the owner. This could be a good way to promote your work of art because everyone in this world could access them easily.
The Good

Graphic design blog also could be the best way to improve your skill in working on art because you can get feedback or even advice from your visitors. Having communication with your visitor and listen to what they say about your work of art may tell you what you need to improve from your work of art. You can also visit other’s blog to get inspiration. Not to copy or plagiarize the work of art of course, but only to gain your knowledge about graphic design. Visit other’s blog might lead you to new technique, new genre or even new perspective about graphic design. This is really good especially if you are a newbie on graphic design, because by visiting other’s graphic design blog it may enrich your knowledge in a freeway.
The Bad

But it’s not only about the benefits from posting your work of art in blog. There’s also bad things you may get from posting your work of art in graphic design blog. Once you post it on blog, it means that it becomes accessible by people all over the world. This also means that somehow, your work of art might be plagiarized by someone out there. This plagiarism thing has been a serious problem in art business, but you can never run away from it. All you can do is just take a positive thinking from that. Try to think positive that your work of art must be gorgeous so that someone out there tried to be a copycat of you. Other bad thing about posting your work of art in graphic design blog is that you can turn to be an artist by order. This means that you working on art just to please your blog’s visitor. You will start to make random work of art just to fill your blog; a work of art that has no signature of yourself. You should really avoid this, because you used to working on art by heart and not just to please other people. Graphic design resources might be double sided blade for you, so you should really pay attention on how you use this way to improve your skill in graphic design.