As a profession, graphic design also has its own risks that must be faced by those engaged in it. "Ah... the risks?! Wait! Yesta, are you saying the career I got 'stuck' with isn't good enough? Didn't you ever say it's fun to be a graphic designer? Wasn`t it supposed to be full of creativity and erhm… considered cool?"
Well, it may seem like it, but the fact is there are some important points related risks should be known by the graphic designers. The work we do as graphic designers isn't always thrilling. I'm sorry to say, but here are some of the main reasons why being a designer can be quite sucks.
Probably Five of the Best Reasons for Quitting Design World
1. Adaptation with everything

Graphic designers need to be able to adapt to each project received. This is the reason why a 'free style artist' can't be a graphic designer, he is supposed to be a pure artist. Why? because he tends fanatic by his visual style, so he will have great difficulty when he is confronted with several corporate projects with the demands of an elegant and clean in design. Graphic designer is just like a chameleon, which should be able to adapt well in any project. Therefore, extensive knowledge in various fields will be needed. This makes the graphic design into a tough profession, well at least in my opinion.
2.Technical Skills, Aesthetics, Ethics, Methods and... Even much more! Geez!

Are you convinced that only by mastering the graphics software such as Photoshop then you become a good graphic designer? Of course.. No. Don't expect to just learn to graphic software and all of sudden your some graphic designer. Graphic designers are also required to have a high aesthetic value and the ability to apply them visually, and of course the graphic designer should master the basic principles of design and basic use of graphic elements therein. For now, we leave aside the typography, color, and some ... whoops I mean a lot of other elements. But geez ... turned out to be a graphic designer must also be good at communicating, and have at least a minimum level of basic marketing skills. And remember, hand drawing skills are a great asset! Oh god, there's so much to be learned..but hey, this is not about mere technical skills, remember?
3. Life Seems Hard to Bear

Life's hard. It's even harder when you being a graphic designer. See why you get seriously MAD when when you're walking around on Saturday afternoon and found some advertising media showed irritating visuals. When you look at an DVD you'll craze simply because the font used on the cover looks tacky and outdated, again you complained and grumbled. And just think, would you run away from these things!? That is why a graphic designer as suddenly able to see ghosts, visual garbage everywhere!
4. No Time for Rest, Soldier!

When people with other professions relax and rejoice as holidays, the graphic designer is busy with their creative thinking. This is absolutely not a necessity, graphic designers are not required to think when they're not at work. But when you dive further into this field, you will get that creative thinking and find new ideas is a necessity, and it is inevitable. As an opiate, the brain will always be forced to continue to reap the harvest, to work hard, and it always requires innovative information to be consumed. Yet again, no time for rest, soldier!
5. Graphic What? Who cares?

The people out there are not that interested in graphic design. It's not a popular profession. Can you imagine, when so much needs to be learned by the graphic designer but no one else cares. It can be seen from the people appreciation of which tend to be low in the graphic design profession. They see graphic design as a sideline profession of students with some fun graphic softwares installed on their computers.