Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an asset, which in addition to the information about who you are (biodata) it can also serve as a means of self promotion to demonstrate the credibility of a graphic designer, it also contains your creativity and design skills.

Resume or CV is the personification of self in a few sheets of paper. Good resume will be able to describe who the person behind the resume. Anyone who reads it should be able to imagine the resume owner, even before meeting directly.
Related to the selection process, a lot of good graphic designer candidates have failed simply because their inability to demonstrate a resume that stands out, so that prospective interviewer is not interested to continue the selection process. Therefore, you as a graphic designer required to create an attractive resume design. So, here I have collected 15 of the best resume and Curriculum Vitae (CV) designs for your inspiration. Enjoy
15 Stunningly Creative Resume / Curriculum Vitae (CV) Designs
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) via ZI-HUAI SHEN

The spirit of a gentleman is a life attitude. Use the idea of the suit, this design concept to convert on a resume. Show personal visual qualities directly presented in the works, so that the interviewer is easy to understand.
2. Currículo via Sara Gonçalves

a Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Sara Gonçalves | Design & Illustration
3. Self Promotion Resume via Julia Smith

Direct Mail Self Promotional Item, The idea is that agencies will send the card back to the designer in the envelope offering her say a placement, or an interview. it contains:
- Business Card
- Curriculum Vitae
- Greetings Card
- Sticker Sheets
- Self Addressed Envelope
4. Cereal Vick ( Curriculum Vitae ) via Victor Rodriguez

a CV/Resume in a different way: Looking for a innovative way to show my CV/Resume, i thought.. "Why do all traditional Curriculum publications look so traditional?" so this idea came up one day in the breakfast time.
5. Curriculum Vitae via Kuba Brończak

It's another awesome example of graphic design curriculum vitae (CV) / resume.
6. Ihsanmfarhan Self Promo 2012 via Ihsan Farhan

Three steps to solve your visual problem: an Ihsanmfarhan self selling promotion 2012.
7. Designer CV via Frane Gorjanc

The goal was to create a one page A4 designer CV that would be readable, contain enough important information while looking aesthetically pleasing and innovative
8. Self Promotion via eldacey

eldacey CV, identity and mailer | This is a personal project to develop an identity around my name, initials and my Mexican heritage. The branding is then used to help design a curriculum vitae and to create a mailer to send for job applications. Each mailer is personalised and branded and includes an area for the incorporation of a business card.
9. Self Promotion Print Design via Peter Dyer

A self promotional booklet created for visitors to an end of year graduate show.
I designed a double sided A3 poster, folded down into an A5 booklet, that could be opened up to reveal another recent design project. I didn't want to include a full CV as this was intended to be a fun souvenir - I focussed on the design, only including a short paragraph about myself and 5 key facts about myself.
The design was printed on a 230gsm uncoated stock and folded and sealed each copy in a plastic wallet with a business card tucked inside.
10. xsarax // CV via xsarax

From the beginning, the development of CV was raised under a critical standpoint, because working life is in constant development, full of experiences, stages, cycles, etc.. Reference was made to the plant world and finally finished using the tree as a visual metaphor and theme of the piece.
A tree is attributed different symbologies such as life, knowledge and growth. Also generated naturally, his own biography concentric. Growth rings, we observe in the section of its trunk, are organic as an infographic which explains the what, how and when your entire life experience.
11. Self Promotion // Ice Cream is Overrated // CV via Adam Wouldes

The beginning of the dewsiner self promotion project, a new resume. Containing a flip open document with slip and two A3 posters, printed on 200GSM rendering paper, 80GSM cartridge paper and 100GSM recycled paper. Hopefully development will lead to screen printed posters.
"Ice Cream is Overrated" is a theme designed to demonstrate his self not just saying a like something because everyone else seems to, and that there shouldn't be any doubt in disagreeing with something if you do not truely agree with it.
The series of images shows from test print through to the final copies, feel free to contact the designer for a physical copy.
12. Self Promotion Mailer via Gary Corr

a Hand-Made Self Promotion Direct Mailer:
This is a personal project to promote myself and try and get some attention from design agencies. I have the opportunity to gain some practical experience within the design industry, so rather than sending a covering email and a CV I designed and prodcued this hand-made direct mailer to send out to potential employers, it contains links to my online portfolio as well as other bits and pieces. The box includes:
- Laser Cut and Screen printed box
- Laser Cut, Hand embossed and Screen printed envelopes
- Infographic CV
- Pack of Hand-made Screen printed A2 posters x3
- Moo Luxe Business Card
- Stick of Blackpool Rock
- Handwritten Cover Letter on branded stationery
- Moo Mini branded stickers
- Branded Labels
- Branded wrapping paper
13. The CV Publication via Sean A. Metcalf

A Creative CV Mailer revolved around traditional news publications.
My CV/Resume Mailer
I was browsing through The New York Times archive over a morning coffee when I
got hit with an interesting idea. "Why do all traditional publications look so.. traditional?" So I took the challenge of taking the formal qualities of a newspaper and translate it into something modern and elegant (but still maintain its authentic quality). It just so happened that this idea could create an interesting resume mailer that I was eager to begin. With twenty weeks of school left for me, this all sounded like a great opportunity to hit the sketch-book! I consider myself a conceptual designerthat loves typography. With that said, wanted my CV to highlight my strengths so I focused on an interactive, conceptual design derived from clean type.
14. Curriculum Vitae / Resume via Ashley Spencer

I wanted to have a go at creating a simple info-graphic resume, while at the same time keeping the design's carbon footprint to a minimum. To achieve this I have used no glue, and printed digitally on 100% post-consumer, recycled stock.
15. Résumé & Job Application via Vidar Olufsen

A report from the "Agency of Consideration and Establishment for Graphic Designers". A combined résumé and open job application formed as a humorous "Top Secret" report, giving away information about a "newly educated and creative designer, who have settled in the city". This is a self promotion project that were made to display a variety of skills as a graphic designer and get attention from local design agencies after i finished my studies.
The idea emerged after a phone call with a design studio who said they would "file me" for later, which made me think of old and dusty folder cabinets, and I thought I should make something that would fit nicely there...
In today's digital world, rather than just send a link to a web portfolio, I wanted to leave something physical at the desk that would get noticed and leave a smile on the receivers face.