This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. Should you learn to code?

Web design is one of the graphic design field flourishing loved. Web design does not only require the ability to design a good interface, but designers also need to understand the code and various programming languages. This article will explain how to learn coding with the right mindset | read more
2. DC & Marvel Superhero Minimalist Posters

A set of comic characters posters from DC and Marvel designed by Michael Turner. These posters are very minimalist and tend to use contrasting colors. | read more
3. Design Salary Guide

What is the standard salary for U.S. designers? You can find out through this article. The following information is also included standard average salary of architects, industrial designers, fashion designers, etc.. | read more
4. How To Make Text Follow A Path In Photoshop

A really simple tutorial, which we will be showing you how to make text follow a path in photoshop. The tutorial takes less than a few seconds to learn, never the less is a valuable technique worth knowing, if you don’t already know how to implement this little trick in photoshop. | read more
5. The Science of How Music Enchants the Brain, Animated

An animated video explaining how the brain works when we listen to music. Animated display a light and simple explanations make complex science can be easily understood. | read more