This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. Create a Pimped Out Truck Using Photoshop and Point and Shoot Photos

This tutorial explains how to modify a truck with combining stock images and other additional elements that created manually in Photoshop. This tutorial was written by Indonesia-based designer, Jeprie Muhammad, who also regularly writes personal profiles on, Digital Design | read more
2. Quick Tip: How to Create a Cartoon Style Big Bang Explosion

This lightweight tips show you how to create cartoon-style illustration explosion in Illustrator. This kind of illustrations would often be found in American comics such as Batman, Flash, and others. There are some interesting techniques used in this tutorial. | read more
3. 5 New Things for Web Designers of 2012

The website design is strongly influenced by developments in technology, especially information technology and gadgets. Some of the important things in this article seems feasible for you to read if you're a website designer or interface designer. | read more
4. 5 Brochure Design Ideas to Match Your Brand

Until this moment, the role of the brochure is still a potent weapon for companies to increase their sales. This is because the nature of its approach to the customer which is more intimate and personal. Some examples of the following brochure design can serve as an inspiration and the basic idea to be applied into your own design work. | read more
5. Top Logo Design Contest Websites

Recently logo contest sites are very popular on the internet, this is very reasonable considering the growing new businesses that are developing in various countries. Website design contest has indirectly become a bridge for designers and clients to meet. | read more