One more service that can be maximized by the freelancer to manage their online presence, called: About.me. Lately online presence becomes increasingly important, not as a lifestyle but it is due to technological advances and the rapid growth of Internet users. For the local level, literacy use of the Internet to support productivity, or to support the work also increased.

If the first email is used as the address of the virtual world's most obliged to communicate, now business cards online can also be an option as a place to introduce yourself to the relationship. For most freelancers, especially those involved in web development, this service may become a less attractive option, because they can even make special pages with their own design as a business card online.
But for the freelancers in other segments, About.me can be very helpful, even my friend who is a web development look forward to the invitation from About.me (before the service is open to the public) to make her profile page at About.me.
Let's see what facilities are provided by About.me.

In simple terms it provides a personal profile page which can contain personal photos or images you want to upload, we can also add a brief profile and links to various other applications, such as: Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Blogger, WordPress, YouTube, LinkedIn, FormSpring, TypePad , or can also add your blog URL or RSS manually.
Before using their services, you must be willing to wait for an invitation, because their services are still in private beta version, but some time ago this service has been opened to the public, so anyone can use it.
On the home page you will be asked to fill out the registration from and write the name of the desired profile of the account, the account name will be added behind the URL:
'About.me / account name'.
You can add your profile background to beautify the appearance of your account. Some examples of these accounts using close-ups, because it serves as identification, then it's good to show your own face.
They also provide some background for those who do not want to upload a personal picture. In addition, About.me indeed serves as identification, so you can add a brief biographical description, as well as your own name, like business cards.
This biography text can be used to provide an explanation for what you do, such as the scope of work you do, your portfolio or other information that supports your work.

For those of you who already have a personal site is also still able to put the above address, or if you have a site contains a portfolio can also be added here.
To beautify the appearance of your profile page, About.me provides the facility to change the font and set the color of the design elements of the display profile. Some of the additional facilities provided by About.me is a facility to adjust the layout description name.

Another very useful additional facilities provided is Dashboard. This feature allows you to get statistical data about requests from others, if you add a service Twitter and LinkedIn in your profile in this feature then you can view data Tweet, number of followers or your LinkedIn relationships.
For ease in communicating with visitors on your profile page, About.me also provides links directly to your email, so visitors or others who want to contact you can simply click the 'email me' link, then they can directly send emails to you.
About.me also about relationships, on the home page there is a small button that allows you to see the other person's profile page, or you can also access it from the menu option "people"at the top.
About.me is not only a business card (I use this analogy to make it easier to give a picture of the service it provides). it could be more than that, besides being a aggregator of various other online services, it also has some pretty interesting design elements. A convenience that has been given in a personal profile page as well be another advantage.
There is also an other similar services, namely Flavors.me, but the name About.me more interesting and clearly demonstrate its services, especially with the details of your name behind it, makes it easy to know who you are.
It's quite a lot of facilities on the Internet that can be maximized to support the activities carried out a freelancer, as a means to facilitate an online presence as well as special personal profile page, About.me could be one option. Currently About.me been acquisition by AOL, a company that also has TechCrunch (one of the most popular technology blogs in America, maybe the world).
In About.me you can promote yourself and expertise you have, some facilities provided by it can also be found in other social networks, but by using About.me, others who want to see your profile page does not need to register or make friends with you, simply access a special URL that contains your name so they can get a little information about your services and expertise you offer, About.me also could be the media that make it easier for others to make contact with you.
To see an example, you can see my profile page (Yesta) in About.me/yesta.