To run your freelance business requires expertise in all fields of communications with clients, the complexity of the project schedule, and setting revenue expenditure. Doing all this manually would be very time consuming, and would be very easy to make mistakes - no one is perfect. Thankfully there are a few Mac applications that will help you every day to take over and to organize your freelance business.
we will focus on the following 2 areas:
- Billing or Invoicing, Accounting and scheduling / Time Tracking - Tool that can convince you to be positioned above in terms of finances and bills.
- Organizing and other equipment - Application to organize your work and speed up work using a Mac (will we write in the second part)
Billing, Accounting, and scheduling

Billings allow you to manage clients, projects and time with easy and well integrated. The timing is very good given by Billings, and the results of the report can be viewed in detail, such as how long the project can be resolved. This application also makes several claims that very variation templates with great performance and now this iPhone application is under construction.
Price: $ 39.99
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later
Manufacturer: Market Circle

Money allows you to take over the finances in terms of personal and business life. The application also offers you to create budgets, invoices and delivery reports. Cover Flow is used to produce a very attractive appearance and this is a good application.
Price: $ 39
Requires: Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later
Creator: Jumsoft

On The Job is the best application to manage clients and your time. The application offers a wide range of currencies, making bills automatically, customize your payment in time, fixed cost, quantity, and mileage. Very useful with a pleasant appearance.
Price: $ 39.99
Requires: OS X 10.5
Creator: Stunt Software

This application can keep you to know your client bills, and you can create and manage these bills with the application. Actually, this application has an appearance similar to other applications, but it has a cheaper price. I really liked the sign PAID after bills paid off:).
Price: $ 34.95
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4.4 or later
Creator: Clickable Bliss

iBiz is the most expensive application in this category, but this application has many features. You can merge a document file with iBiz to track your time working on your client, this is very useful for freelancer writers. See how this application combines all your Mac-based business applications in 1 time. iBiz integrate the Spotlight, iCal, Address Book, and Automator.
Price: $ 49.99
Requires: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
Creator: IGG Software