This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. 40 High Quality Adobe Illustrator CS5 Tutorials
Top-quality collection of 40 tutorials Adobe Illustrator CS. Would be very useful to improve your skills in using Illustrator. | read more
2. Screen-Printed Movie Poster Tutorial by Pale Horse
This tutorial explains about the process of making the movie poster using digital drawing techniques. Lots of tips, tricks that you can get in every technique described. | read more
3. Create a Stylish Pencil Icon in Illustrator
A basic level vector tutorial, explaining how to create three-dimensional pencil icon in Adobe Illustrator. This easy to follow tutorial is useful for beginners, and can be used as a start to know the basic tools in Illustrator. | read more
4. Beautiful Typography in Web Design
Here is an interesting collection of how to apply the art of typography into web design. This can be an inspiration for you who really want to design a website with beautiful and attractive typography. | read more
5. 25 Smashing Sticker Design Illustrations – Decorate Your Home!
Sticker Design Illustrations Collection used to decorate the room. You can also apply the same for your personal workspace. | read more