This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. Design before computers ruled the universe

This article describes the process that goes in to designing a layout and graphic works when the computer hasn't even been made. In the process, many designers use a variety of manual tools such as knives, glue, and a variety of hazardous chemicals. | read more
2. Camel Advertising Campaign

Camel is a brand of cigarettes which cleverly displays the brand on a variety of media with different application of visual perception. The work done by Saatchi & Saatchi, is one of the leading advertising agency that has 140 offices in 80 countries. | read more
3. Smart Ideas For Logo Design

Here is a collection of logos which are designed with the concept and a very smart idea. It will surely be a very useful source of inspiration for you all. | read more
4. 40 Spectacular Digital Paintings And Illustrations Of Super Hero’s

A collection of digital painting and illustration work of super hero characters. The works are not only looks realistic, but also has conceptualized with an interesting angle with amazing details. | read more
5. 30 Amazing Optical Illusion Pictures

This article contains a collection of optical illusions pictures. The following optical illusions pictures can manipulate visual perception for everyone to see in a different way. | read more