Working on a writing project requires commitment, consistency and also the ability to manage self-motivation. Not infrequently, the 'ghost writer' and a variety of other freelancer's professions will condition their environment in order to keep a good mood at work. What sort of things that could spur the creativity of the freelancer while working?
What Inspires Freelancers at Work?

Who's the person? The answer may vary depends on freelancer marital status. For those which are single, the 'someone' could be parents, brothers or sisters, boy/girlfriend or even their friends. As for freelancers which are married, the creativity trigger generally come from family members, spouses and children.
A Place

If you're an online freelancer and dreamed of traveling to a place, for example, to the holy city of Mecca, will certainly try it out so that the dream can be achieved. By imagining a situation as if it had been there, it is expected that spirit we will be encouraged in order to make it as a reality.
Time to Write

Writing at night, and during the day has its own impression of the 'ghost writer'. As with other areas of freelancers, most freelancer writer prefers to write at night. This is understandable because at night is a preferable condition where the atmosphere was fairly quiet, the brain can be relaxed with minimal interference from the environment.

Some of copywriter admitted that their creative ideas can arise when working while listening to soft music. Some were excited when listening to rock music.
Appreciate Other People's Work

It is true that the freelancers world are not far from visual arts and literary arts. I personally feel more 'excited' while enjoying the photowork of freelancer photographer.
Last Month's Bill

I am sure this last way will be able to increase the creativity of the freelancer while working. By the time they're analyzing last month's bill (either telephone bill, electricity or credit card accounts) indirectly they would think something like: "oh, this month I have to get more jobs".